
Google Indie Games Accelerator 2019

June 29, 2021

We would like to share an experience that had an impact on our studio since we had the chance to assist. We were part of the Google Indie Games Accelerator (IGA) program in 2019.

Among over 1700 projects of 37 countries of Asia, the Middle-East, Africa, and Latin America, 30 finalists were chosen to visit Google’s offices in Singapore. There were a series of boot camps and workshops with indie gaming industry professionals, and some activities to improve the projects’ organization and projection.

This second generation of IGA was the first opportunity for Latin American participants. Of the 30 projects that arrived in Singapore, two were Mexicans. Mum Not Proud with Baikoh and us, 1 Simple Game with Chronoloop (we promise more info about this game soon enough!).

The first trip took place for a week in July 2019.

Can you believe that we traveled to the other side of the world and they took us out for tacos? (They weren’t bad)

Besides the boot camps, we received constant feedback from advisors.

In December, we visited Singapore once more, to graduate from the program.

Mexican candies were a total success!

Between the lessons, we learned were to be more demanding with ourselves, structured, and keep improving our projects.

In such an international environment, we realized that we needed even more understanding of the business side of things; to stop looking at our work from the perspective of artists or creators and also think like businessmen.

We also noticed our strength on the creative and visual side of things.

Thanks to IGA, 1 Simple Game’s studio dynamic matured. We’re all here sharing our passion for video games, and maybe we started at this as a hobby, but this is a business too, so there’s a need for professionalism. 

The contacts we made there have been invaluable, both with other participants and our mentors.

In other aspects

What surprised us about Singapore? Its’ mixture of cultures, and religious syncretism. 

Very few men had beards, so Paco and Ovidio really stood out!

That time was of extreme value to us, so without hesitation, we would recommend applying if you have an indie studio. Every year Google opens applications for their Indie Games Accelerator, and they are opening it up to more countries.

We would love to see more success stories in our region.